08174694811 Mon - Fri 09:00 - 17:00 FORESIGHT HOUSE (MARINA VIEW, FIRST FLOOR), 163/164 BROAD STREET, LAGOS.
01 462 3417 Mon - Fri 09:00 - 17:00 House, 163, Foresight, 165 Broad St, Lagos
01 462 3417 Mon - Fri 09:00 - 17:00 House, 163, Foresight, 165 Broad St, Lagos

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors of the Company is composed of the following members:

Chief (Barr.) B.A. Ogbebor                            Chairman

Mr. B. A. Ogbebor                              Deputy Chairman/Managing Director

Mr. Nat Ogbebor                                 Executive Director

Mr. Joseph NosayabaOgbebor          Non-Executive Director

Mrs. Gloria Osaigbovo                        Non-Executive Director

Mr. Osayiogie Ogbebor                      Non-Executive Director

Mr. Eugene O. Ogbebor                     Non-Executive Director

Chairman                                               – Chief (BARR) B. A. OGBEBOR
 ⁠Managing Director                              – MR. NAT O. OGBEBOR
 ⁠Executive Director                               – MR. NAT O. OGBEBOR
Non-Executive Director                      – MRS. GLORIA O. OSAIGBOVO
Non-Executive Director                      – MR. NOSA J. OGBEBOR
⁠Non-Executive Director                     – MR. EUGENE O. OGBEBOR
Non-Executive Director                      – MR. NELSON O. OGBEBOR